I specialize in the following fields:
psychotherapy: short, crisis and long term psychotherapy (cognitive-analytic and integrative approach)
coaching for individuals, supervisors and groups
occupational health psychology (OHP): how to improve quality of work life and to promote mental health and well-being at work
psychological counseling and clinical psychology
That means that I work with various issues, for instance (please note that it is impossible to give a complete list):
coaching as a human development process (“deeper level coaching”)
work-related stress, job burn-out
psychological distress at work
anxiety and anxiety disorders (e.g. panic, social phobias, generalized anxiety disorders, excluding obsessive-compulsive disorder)
breastcancer patients
adjustment difficulties, relocation
relationship difficulties
crisis interventions: in case of divorce, interpersonal conflicts and bullying at work, developmental crisis, traumatic crisis etc.